Convert JSON schema to Java classes using maven plugin Introduction We often need to convert JSON schema’s to Java classes, there is a jsonschema2pojo-maven-plugin which helps in generating POJO(plain old java objects) from JSON or JSON schema. To use it all we need is add this plugin, update dependencies and run mvn generate Add jsonschema2pojo-maven-plugin […]
Tag: devops
Using Jenkins to Build and Deploy Docker images
How to use Jenkins to Build and Deploy docker images without Jenkins Docker plugin Introduction Jenkins is one of the most popular continuous integration tools and is widely used. It can be used to create pipelines, run jobs and do automated deployments. There are many plugins available which can be added to Jenkins and makes it […]
How to Enable Docker Remote REST API on Docker Host
Enable Docker Remote REST API on Docker Host in Ubuntu Introduction Docker provides remote REST API which is beneficial if you want to connect to a remote docker host. Few of the functions which you can achieve using Docker REST API over a simple browser are Create and Manage Containers Get low-level information about a […]
How To Push Docker Images To Docker Hub Repository Using Docker Maven plugin
Push a Docker image to DockerHub using docker maven plugin Introduction If you want to push a docker image to Docker Hub repository, it can be achieved using docker maven plugin from This plugin lets you build images, start and stop containers and push it to Docker repositories In case you are wondering […]
How to enable jenkins to auto build with BitBucket server
Integrate BitBucket webhook with Jenkins to auto build on push of code to a bitbucket repository One of the goals of Continuous Integration andContinuous deployment is that once the code is pushed to the repository it should be tested, built and then packaged for deployment. BitBucket webhook makes is possible to trigger real-time notifications to Jenkins […]
How to Install Jenkins on Docker
Installing Docker on Jenkins Jenkins is a great tool to build and package artifacts, it can be either deployed independently as a service in docker, lets go through the steps required to install Jenkins on docker as a container. In this tutorial, we will Get Jenkins Docker Image from Docker Hub Run the Docker Image […]
How to Install Artifactory on Docker
Installing Artifactory on Docker JFrog Artifactory is a repository manager used for versioning deployable like a jar, war, docker image etc. Artifactory Pro is a licensed/paid version which will let you create repositories for docker images and much more.Artifactory OSS is open source and a restrective version where you can create maven repositories and few others. […]
How to add remote archetype catalog in Eclipse
Add Maven Remote catalogue in eclipse Maven remote catalogues are very useful in starting a project quickly and neatly. The project structure including src, test directory are created along with pom dependencies. Follow below steps to add remote archetype catalogue Go to Windows -> Preferences -> Maven ->Archetype Click on Add Remote Catalog Add catalogue […]